
Light-load elevators

Our Company designs, sells and installs small freight elevators for both cottages and specialized establishments that need to elevator small loads.

Nowadays, small freight elevators are becoming more and more popular in enterprises. In most cases, the installation of such elevator equipment is resorted to in administrative institutions and catering organizations. Group of companies "Lift Service" is engaged in the sale, installation, maintenance and modernization of such elevators, regardless of what type of elevator equipment they belong to (electric, hydraulic, disabled, etc.).

Speaking about small freight elevators, it is necessary to designate their key characteristics. In particular, we are talking about one of the types of lifting equipment, which is designed to move in the vertical direction of various loads - light and medium weight.

When buying overseas restaurant elevators, it is recommended that you favor types of elevators such as restaurant elevators and kitchen elevators.

Thanks to the operation of small cargo lifting equipment, it is possible to significantly improve the efficiency of such establishments as stores, restaurants, cafes, shopping and business centers, medical facilities and laboratories. The transportation of tools, equipment, food, medicine, etc. can be greatly accelerated with the help of such elevators. At the same time, small freight elevators are also successfully used in the domestic sphere. In order to move food to the upper floors of the building, they are actively installed at dachas and country houses. To facilitate the transportation of various items, cargo elevators can also be installed in garages.

Perhaps the most popular at present are freight elevators capable of lifting 100 and 250 kg. The key advantages of small capacity elevators lie in the ability to optimize the work of a particular enterprise, significantly accelerate the process of lifting operations and thus significantly facilitate manual labor. In addition, the small freight elevator is characterized by a relatively low cost, so the purchase and installation of such elevator equipment can be considered as a very profitable investment.

The small freight elevators offered by our company have excellent maintainability, without the need for regular large investments in maintenance. Having purchased such an elevator, you can forget about the need to call the masters and replace important parts for a long time.

PRIMUS MINI - Engine room is smaller


The elegant Primus Mini suits the sophistication of your home and fits into the premium space available without compromising the artistic design of your home. Primus Mini offers eco-friendliness, fashionability, comfort, maximum safety and a quiet ride.

APTO - Auto Door

Truly Indian

The versatile APTO with its new and improved features is a step forward. Its unique design combines style with comfort and performance with efficiency - a technology that exceeds all expectations.

The versatile APTO is manufactured in India exclusively for your stylish buildings and is the best value for money.

PRIMUS - Without machine room

A new generation elevator

Comfort, convenience and efficiency are now taken to the next level, a credit to the PMSM Gearless machines.

Now get ready to give your elevator ride experience a whole new definition with the fully revived eco-friendly PMSM gearless elevator.

Originally from India, the Primus in engine room (MR) and non-machine room (MRL) versions is ready to showcase the qualities and flexibility of Truly Indian.

Without machine room

An elevator without a machine room is almost an innovation nowadays, as it has only recently been installed. In this design, the winch and controls are located in the elevator shaft, so no special room is required for the machine room. As a result, the elevator without an engine room has become very popular recently. It is installed in residential complexes and other buildings. Our company "VIP Lift" is engaged in supply, installation and maintenance of elevators and escalators. We guarantee high quality of services and professionalism of our employees.

What are the features of an elevator without a machine room?

A special feature of this elevator equipment is the use of an unusual gearless winch. Therefore, the elevator without an engine room allows you to save building space, as everything you need can be placed in the elevator shaft. In addition, this design does not limit designers in the choice of roof project. Such elevators from the company "VIP Lift" allow you to save electrical energy, and the savings can be up to 30 %.

This equipment creates conditions for comfortable movement of passengers. During the movement of the elevator there is no vibration and noise, the indicators of which in the elevator cabin are no more than 54 dB. Also the elevator without engine room is characterized by increased safety, for example, it has a system that ensures the accuracy of stopping the elevator. This equipment is environmentally friendly, as the gearless drive does not require machine oil for operation. In addition, this results in significantly lower maintenance costs.

Any elevator without a machine room must be installed properly, because the life of its operation and the safety of passengers depends on it. In our company "VIP Lift" you can not only buy this elevator equipment, but also order its installation and maintenance. It is best to buy elevators of well-known Russian and world manufacturers, especially since they are produced in a large model and price range. At present, this equipment can be considered the progress of the entire construction industry.

What are the advantages of an elevator without a machine room?

These include the following:

  • minimal impact on the building due to the low weight of the elevator structure and the small size of the drive, which has no gearbox. In addition, the steel cables in these elevators are replaced by polyurethane belts;
  • the possibility to save electrical energy as well as lubricants. This is due to the use of polyurethane ropes and a gearless drive. Having only one moving part reduces lubrication costs, which are usually required for all rotating parts;
  • low noise level of the unit due to the absence of a gearbox and the use of polyurethane belts;
  • placing the drive and controller inside the elevator shaft means significant space savings;
  • low wear of elevator parts, which is explained by a small number of rotating parts.

For the installation of this elevator, a synchronous gearless electric motor is used, which can be easily adjusted. It is characterized by compactness as well as low noise level. A small drive can be combined with any modifications of elevators. The presence of reliable braking systems does not allow the elevator car to make uncontrolled movement.

Hydraulic elevators

Hydraulic elevators are modern lifting devices and elevators. The cabin of the hydraulic can make up to 7 stops, lifting capacity - from 15 to 20 000 kg, speed of the cabin - from 0.1 to 1 m/s. The elevator cabin can be made of glass at your request, the shape can also be chosen at your discretion.

   Hydraulic elevators are often installed to move people with limited mobility (wheelchair users), so they are often used in hospitals and houses with a large number of floors (to move from the lobby to the elevator platform).

On hydraulic passenger elevators are equipped with catchers, which will take the elevator to the nearest floor in the event of a power failure. Elevators with hydraulic cylinder are characterized by energy saving. Maintenance of elevators of this type is much cheaper compared to conventional passenger or freight elevators.

Advantages of hydraulic elevators

The design of hydraulic elevators has a number of advantages over electric elevators:

  • High reliability;
  • Noiseless operation, smooth cab travel and high stopping accuracy;
  • Compact machine room;
  • Ease of elevator installation, commissioning and operation;
  • Elevator Economy;
  • Availability of a system of automatic return of the cabin to the lower floor.

ANTICO - Manual door


The reliable ANTICO is the perfect partner for your needs. Exceptional ease of maintenance, superior comfort and reliable performance make ANTICO India's all-time favorite machine. Your ANTICO partner is manufactured in India exclusively to meet your specific requirements.

Passenger elevators

Passenger elevators are structures adapted for comfortable and safe movement of people when ascending to a certain height or descending. Such means of transportation between floors are equipped with residential buildings, shopping and entertainment centers, hotel complexes, hotels and office buildings. An elevator for transporting people is equipped a little differently than a freight elevator: it is more convenient, comfortable and beautiful.

Main technical characteristics of elevators - are speed, capacity, lifting height and number of stops. All requirements are regulated by GOST, and they are set for each type of this equipment separately. Specialists of our company will help you to choose a passenger elevator, the dimensions of which are suitable for your purposes or create a project for individual order.

Classify elevators on many parameters, but all of them have such components:

  • the cockpit;
  • lifting mechanism;
  • elevator doors.

Stationary elevators must first and foremost be safe. So, if you decide to buy a passenger elevator, you should ask whether there is documentation from the manufacturer, which confirms their compliance with State standards of quality, stability and complete safety. The company "VIP Lift" is ready to provide you with such information. We sell and install products only from certified manufacturers, the quality of which is time-tested and documented.

Passenger elevators priceVarieties of lifting devices

There are two types of passenger elevator drive - electric и hydraulic. Each has its own characteristics, so attention should be paid to all criteria when choosing equipment for a particular type of building.

Electric drive elevator is most often equipped with multi-storey buildings, where it is required to ensure the lifting of visitors to the maximum level. One of the main advantageous parameters of such a device is the speed of movement.

Characteristics of hydraulic passenger elevators

Hydraulic elevators are used in low-rise buildings. Such lifting devices for transportation of weights and occupants are placed in multi-storey private houses, in apartments on several levels, that is, this type of elevator is often used as a home elevator. But this does not mean that hydraulic elevators are not suitable for offices or hotels. In such cases, the dimensions of the cabin are calculated and the material for manufacturing is selected according to the individual order. The elevator is moved by a hydraulic station via a hydraulic cylinder, so it is mounted close to the shaft but not further than 5m.

The advantages of hydraulic elevators are as follows:

  • silent operation;
  • machine room equipment is not required.

All products sold by the company "ECE Elevator in Ukraine" have a certificate of quality, indicating the suitability and safety of products. Passenger elevator, the price of which you are quite satisfied, under the right operating conditions will serve for decades. The main principles of "ECE Elevator in Ukraine" - mutually beneficial cooperation, when delivery and installation of equipment is carried out as soon as possible. So, if you decide to buy a passenger elevator and put it into operation, our specialists will do everything qualitatively and quickly, taking into account the wishes of the customer.

Freight elevators

A freight elevator or hoist is used to transport goods above the first floor. Lifting devices of such purpose can move on a straight or inclined vertical plane. In the company "VIP Lift" from a large variety of modifications can be selected elevator equipment that will suit the customer in all characteristics, as well as the type of installation (inside or outside the building). The need for installation of an elevator, designed to move goods vertically, is experienced by industrial enterprises and catering establishments, trade organizations and public institutions.

Types of freight elevators

To date, there are several main types of elevators, which, depending on the lifting capacity, can be conditionally divided into:

  • large freight elevators with lifting capacities from 1,650 to 2,500 kg;
  • small freight elevators with lifting capacity from 100 to 300 kg;
  • service freight elevators with load capacity up to 100 kg.

Let's take a closer look at each type of freight elevator, focusing on the objective advantages and the main area of their use.

Large freight elevators

Such elevator models are most often used for lifting heavy loads in warehouses, shopping centers and industrial enterprises. For example, they are used to move cars and special equipment, various machine tools and large-sized equipment, containers. They differ from conventional elevators by a simpler design of the cabin, increased load capacity and the presence of special doors that minimize the risk of damage to the cargo. The use of these elevators allows to significantly facilitate the process of loading/unloading of the transported cargo.